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Trust in the LORD...

There are not many feelings in this world like the feeling of accomplishment. My wife Mallory has spent hours, days, months, and at this point, years honing her skillset on the piano. Even with caring for a child, she has worked so hard to find time, prepare music, and play tough songs effortlessly.

Not only is she learning my material, she is also learning other Contemporary Christian tunes as well as Top 40 songs, (since we play with several different bands) and has done this in little to no time at all. Because of the scheduling and high demand, we are required to learn six new sngs per week for each band, rehearsing at minimun a total of 18 songs per week. Every week, new material, on an instrument that is still relatively new to her.

It may be her work ethic, it may be her passion for music, it may be her genes. I can’t pinpoint it, but whatever she is doing, she is literally making it look easy to learn 18 songs per week. Those of you who aready know Mallory aren’t surprised, but it is inspiring to say the least, as an outside perspective to see someone coming into their own and finding their way while learning something new.

I suppose it must have some resemblance to when God sees us aligned in his will, living completely for him, and wholeheartedly following him.

I believe that Mallory has faith that eventually she will figure all of these songs out, (as do I) and I feel like that is faith in herself that she can accomplish this goal.

Faith is so important when you are trying something new. It’s the foundation of the endeavor you’re getting ready to take. Even a small amount of faith is rock solid as a foundation for successfully completing God’s will in this season of your life.

Matthew 17:20b

Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

In this scenario, Mallory has faith that she can learn the material and believes it’s possible to succeed at playing this amount of material on the piano, and yet the verse speaks of having faith in God. When we do that, all things are possible.

Matthew 19:26

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

Belief and trust in God will prove its effectiveness through provision. I bet you can think of one time God was faithful. Five times? 10 times? Honesty, we don’t have enough time in the day to think of everything God has provided us with. Let’s just say it’s worth trusting him though!

5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

and do not lean on your own understanding.

6 In all your ways acknowledge him,

and he will make straight your paths.


Listen to "Proverbs" from Jermaine's 2015 release, Higher Place: The Greatest Hits Collection by clicking here.

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