Month of February
Hello Jermaniacs!
February will be an exciting month. First and foremost we will have the release of 'Talk' from the new album, Machines. We have begun assessing gear and purchasing items for our gigs the spring, summer, and fall of 2015. We have been in talks with many churches in the Carbondale area, and plans are firming up as we speak. We are also in talks right now with Youth Encounter, Decatur Celebration, and many churches in the Decatur area as well. As soon as we confirm dates we will let you know! The release of Machines is just over a month away! We have been working very hard on this album and we are excited to present it to you. We plan to play songs from this and the greatest hits album when we tour! We are also excited to tell you that we plan to have physical copies of Machines to sell at gigs after the release on March 10! We are still hard at work on finishing off the praise band album. We don't have a release date for that yet but we are committed to getting it out to the masses! Lastly, we will be filming a music video for 'Higher Place'. We will be doing it sometime this summer. The director will be Bob Wilcott. He is been in the industry for over 30 years! We are so excited to work with him. We are planning on having all of the members of Jermaine Bollinger play in this music video! Don't forget the greatest hits album releases October 20, 2015, and the single, 'Higher Place' releases May 5, 2015. As always, thanks for listening and thanks for your continued support!